More than healthy and protein snacks: Halen Brands’ new creation sends hope to indulgent chocolate startups
More than healthy and protein snacks: Halen Brands’ new creation sends hope to indulgent chocolate startups
Halen Brands has unveiled its first line of indulgent chocolate line, Joyfuls, after spending years investing in healthy and protein-added snacks, including Chef’s Cut Jerky, OWYN, and most recently, From The Ground Up, which offers cauliflower-based crackers and pretzels.HTTPS://WWW.CONFECTIONERYNEWS.COM/ARTICLE/2018/07/09/HALEN-BRANDS-NEW-CREATION-SENDS-HOPE-TO-INDULGENT-CHOCOLATE-STARTUPS ...
اقرأ المزيد
3D chocolate heads: Godiva Chocolatier taps into personalization gifting market
3D chocolate heads: Godiva Chocolatier taps into personalization gifting market
Godiva Chocolatier has collaborated with e-commerce startup Candy Mechanics to create personalized chocolate cards and lollipops made from 3D printed molds of human’s heads.HTTPS://WWW.CONFECTIONERYNEWS.COM/ARTICLE/2018/07/10/GODIVA-CHOCOLATIER-CREATES-3D-CHOCOLATE-CARDS-AND-HUMAN-FACE-LOLLIPOPS 
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كيف تصنع الشوكولاته
كيف تصنع الشوكولاته
تبقى الشوكولاتة ملكة متوجة على عرش مختلف أصناف الحلويات وأكثرها تفضيلًا، ولعشاقها هل تعلمون كيف تتم صناعتها؟ حسنًا، ربما تعلم أن مصدرها بذور الكاكاو، التي تنمو في المناطق الاستوائية، لكن حتى تصل بين يديك، فإنها تمر بمر...
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